Monday, May 26, 2008


The Office of the Municipal Agriculturist (OMA) in collaboration with Calubian Livelihood Assistance for Development, Inc. (CLAD, Inc.) has conducted a vegetable commercialization techno-demo which was launched last April 2, 2008. The techno-demo farm was located at Sitio Kalunasan of Brgy Tagharigue with Mr. Norberto Dillo, who is one of the active member of the newly organized Calubian Agri-products Producers Cooperative serving as the farmer-cooperator. (Photo above; Mr. Antonio Nierras, AT/in-charge of the seminar, demonstrated to the participants the proper way of handling vegetable seedlings during transplanting) The said seminar is expected to end in mid-July with weekly sessions held every Wednesday. Most of the participants are members of the producers cooperative earlier mentioned and some vegetable farmers from the neighboring barangays.

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